Monday, September 20, 2010

What we have... and what we have not!

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you learn to adapt without something that you thought you needed? A few months ago, my kitchen faucet handle bit the dust. It pulled off and the little "locking pin" that is supposed to hold it in place was stripped. Not fixable. It still has a little "stub" that we can turn the water on/off with. At the time that it broke, I didn't have the extra funds to buy a new faucet, we left it as-is. Funny thing is, we got used to turning the faucet on/off with the little stub. So much so, that I forgot about replacing the faucet even when I had a few extra bucks to spare. In fact, the kitchen sink is still without a handle.
I guess why I bring this all up is that we get accustomed to what we have. And what we have not... Sometimes when asking a buyer "What do you need in a new home?" they will rattle off a bunch of "wish" items that they hope for. And while this wish-list is nice, it's not always practical. For example, I've never lived in a home with more than one bathroom. (Yes, you read that right! Never!) And while there are times that It would be nice to have a second
bathroom, it is do-able with just one. Now mind you, I have a large family. Between his, mine and ours, there was a time when I had 5 kids in the house and 2 adults. Yet, we managed. It all comes back to what you get used to.
When you're looking to buy a new home. Think about your n
eeds versus your wants and tell your real estate agent BOTH. Sometimes this extra bit of info is all your Realtor will need to find you that perfect home -- a home that is do-able for all your needs!

I appreciate the opportunity to earn your business.
I will listen and find solutions that are important to you!
Please, contact me to tell me about your home buying or selling needs...

Diane Morales
Keller Williams Fox-Valley Realty

Keep on top of the local market, follow me on FaceBook!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

This "Gorda" is making a difference in the Tri-Cities and Kaneland

Cultural differences... Wow! So fun to get to know others! Recently I was introduced to a Hispanic man who preferred to be called "Negro" versus his real name. Negro means "black" in Spanish. To some Americans, that would be a taken offensively. It's actually a term of endearment in Mexico used for one who is "darker" than others in his family. Now, I'm married to a Hispanic man, whose family comes from Oaxaca, Mexico. It's way south in Mexico where it's very warm. His father too was known as Negro, as he was a very dark skinned man. This got me to thinking... Mexican parents sometimes nickname their children "gordo" or "flaca" and even "feo" (meaning "fat boy" or "skinny girl" and "ugly") and think nothing of it! To them, it's just another term of endearment. Can you imagine the looks that I'd get walking thru WalMart calling "Fat boy, come here to mom!" I'd probably get DCFS called on me.
In the Indian Culture, it's considered bad manners to wear shoes in someone's home. They're always slipped off by the door.
I find differences like these refreshing. Get to know someone outside your own world. Their ways are not necessarily bad ways just because they're not the same as you think they should be. Embrace the experience.

By the way, if you're looking for a real estate agent who truly cares about you and seeks to understand your situation for what it is, call me!
I take great pride in providing honest, reliable, and professional services to my clients! I am sensitive to your needs and will help fit the best scenario for your situation. Never pushy, just dependable.

Thanks for discovering the Diane difference...

Diane Morales

Follow me on Facebook.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Should You Choose to Work With A Friend...?

A few times now, I've had someone that I consider to be a good friend "choose" to work with another Realtor. "Don't be offended," they say. Really? How can I not be offended? I take great pride in providing honest, reliable, and professional services to my clients! I know that buying or selling your home is one of the biggest investments & decisions you will ever make. I also understand that sometimes it's not comfortable to share your financial situation with a friend. But answer me this... IF I'm going to extra hard for anyone, wouldn't you think that someone would be my friend? Now don't get me wrong. I don't want to disappoint any client, but I especially don't want to let down a friend.
Yeah, sometimes the truth hurts. Sometimes you don't want to hear what has to be said. I would never steer you with nonfactual information or lead you to believe that your home is worth more than it is. Unfortunately, there are some agents who will say just what you want to hear.
If I needed surgery and my friend was a surgeon, I would definitely trust him/her to operate. Not only would that friend do his homework to provide me with the best care, but he/she would be super careful to make sure that nothing went wrong during the procedure for his/her friend.
It's a decision I wouldn't think twice about. He/She would have my best interest at hand & heart.

How is a good Realtor® like a best friend?

A best friend is loyal to you. A Realtor® is often privy to your sensitive information: financial, emotional, familial. You want someone who puts your interests ahead of his or her own.

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A best friend helps out during stressful times. Few times are more stressful than buying or selling a home. A Realtor® who can prepare you for and help you through the unexpected turns that often occur can change a frustrating experience into a positive one.

A best friend tells you the truth, even when you may not want to hear it. No, your giant stuffed moose head should not stay in the house during showings, even if your favorite Uncle Joe did bring it back from his camping trip in Starved Rock.

Don't allow friendship to cloud your decision. A true professional can separate business from pleasure ~ and still get the job done for you! When you have a choice to work with either a friend or a stranger, choose your friend. They'll work harder to keep you happy! ;)

Your friend ~ and ~ your Realtor,

Diane Morales
Keller Williams Fox Valley Realty

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