Squirrels will adopt a squirrel baby if it has been abandoned. Also, thanks to squirrels forgetting where they stash their nuts for winter, thousands of trees sprout from forgotten acorns.
Seahorses will travel holding their partner’s tails.
Cows produce more milk when they hear music that is soothing.
Smiling is something that is innate and instinctive in human. Even though many visually impaired people have never seen a smile, they still smile when happy.
Sea otters hold hands when they go to sleep, so that they will not drift apart in the ocean.
A shaved guinea pig looks a lot like a miniature hippo.
Rats laugh when they are tickled.
Getting enough zzz's increases happiness.
The well known ‘like’ button on Facebook, was originally going to be called the ‘awesome’ button.
Chimpanzees will not only help chimps they don’t know, but also help humans to grab an object out of their reach. They will aid others, even if there is no reward for the good deed.
There is a basketball court on the top floor of the U.S. Supreme Court Building. It's known as the "highest court in the land."
A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance.
Somewhere, someone is having the best day of their life.
Octopuses actually do make gardens by collecting stones and shiny things and arranging them in the sand. Ringo was right.