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Roman Empire, Claudius didn't want men to marry during
wartime because he believed single men made better soldiers. Bishop
Valentine went against his wishes and performed secret wedding
ceremonies. For this, Valentine was jailed and then executed by order of
the Emperor on February 14. While in jail, he wrote a love note to the
jailor's daughter signing it, "From your Valentine."
Many believe the 'X' symbol became synonymous with the kiss in medieval
times. People who couldn't write their names signed in front of a
witness with an 'X.' The 'X' was then kissed to show their sincerity.
In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see
who would be their Valentine. They would wear this name pinned onto
their sleeves for one week for everyone to see. This was the origin of
the expression "to wear your heart on your sleeve."
Physicians of the 1800's commonly advised their patients to eat chocolate to calm their pining for lost love.
15% of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day.
Approximately one billion Valentines are sent out worldwide each year --
second only to Christmas.
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