Take a moment to think about theses questions. Really think about them. Ask your friend/spouse/significant other these questions.... and see how they reply. =} Don't forget to scroll down to see this month's stats!
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
Which is worse, failing or never trying?
When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
Why are you, you?
Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it really matter now?
If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
When was the last time you marched into the dark with only the soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Decisions are being made right now. The question is: Are you making them for yourself, or are you letting others make them for you?
If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
And remember, I'm here for all your relocating needs -- near and far. If I can't personally serve you, I have a vast network of agents that I trust who can help you. ♥

# ACTIVE | 405 | 156 | 108 | 63 | 65 | 16 |
# SOLD | 73 | 52 | 40 | 14 | 17 | 4 |
MARKET TIME | 104 | 157 | 99 | 102 | 99 | 280 |
MEDIUM SOLD $ | $347,000 | $355,000 | $293,950 | $261,000 |
It’s your MOOve…
Diane MOOrales
Keller Williams Fox Valley Realty
Call/Text: 630.709.9882